The parenting journey is never easy. There is always a new challenge to be faced or a new question to be answered. The experience is full of ups and downs; to say otherwise would be dishonest. My munchkin is facing his own journey through school and karate. There are tears sometimes, and giggles most of […]
Life Is Beautiful
My life has not been the easiest of journeys, but I have learned from each of my experiences. It was not my choice to be disabled or to have to struggle more than most, but my disability has taught me to be determined and to persevere. I am not an inspiration, nor I am asking […]
Learning to be Thankful
First of all, I would like to say that this is in no way a religious post. I am all about attitude- and character- improvement. I am not here to judge anyone, though I do spend a whole lot of time judging myself. Being disabled doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I compare myself to […]
It’s Back-to-School for Us
Okay, so I know I haven’t written in a while, but I’m sure we’ve all been busy parents. Back to school this year was a little different. Last year, we tried online public school at the beginning of Kindergarten. It was a good program, but it didn’t work out for us. This year, we took […]
My Experiences Parenting with the ADA…So Far
I was eight years old when the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. It has been the most significant piece of legislation in my life thus far. From parking to ramps in public places, every aspect of my life has been impacted by the ADA. As a mom, it has affected my life […]
Brutal Honesty
Parenthood is an amazing process. That’s right, I said it. It’s a process. It is the continuation of building a relationship with a miniature copy of you. You’re going to look in your child’s eyes and see a twinkle in his or her eye that reminds you of yourself, Sometimes, you will smile when you […]
Redefining Myself
I hate the word “normal.” In this age, when people are supposed to be more aware of issues like bullying, racism, etc., we are still fighting discrimination and intolerance. The reality is, humanity is humanity; there is good and there is bad. Sometimes, it seems, there is more bad than there is good… Sometimes. I […]
As I am writing this, my son is watching an animated feature film about accepting others unconditionally via monsters! At six, his questions are incessant. Some of those questions involve my disability: “Mommy, why can’t you walk?” “Will we need an elevator in this house forever?” “Why don’t they build steps that can turn into […]
It’s Okay To Think About Surrendering
I know this is a taboo subject when it comes to parenting, or any issue in the disabled world. We are supposed to be inspiring to others, overcoming “challenging feats” and all that jazz. We are supposed to smile and be grateful to be alive, no matter our circumstances. It’s hard for me to admit […]
Learning to Adapt
This is the first morning of school after Spring Break, and if you are a parent going through the same routine, I salute you. My son is the most wonderful experience that I will ever have, but sometimes I just want to put my power chair at full speed and drive away screaming! I am […]