Parenthood is an amazing process. That’s right, I said it. It’s a process. It is the continuation of building a relationship with a miniature copy of you. You’re going to look in your child’s eyes and see a twinkle in his or her eye that reminds you of yourself, Sometimes, you will smile when you see it. More often than not, it will drive you up the wall.
This week an incredible tragedy happened. Someone decided, from a mind filled with intolerance and hate, to exterminate a group of people. I do not pretend to know what this person was thinking, but it is impossible to avoid asking for an explanation. People often single out certain people as targets, pointing to certain traits as reasons to hate.
I will never be the perfect mother, but I hope that I will be able to instill love rather than hate in my son’s heart. You see, we are all a part of humanity. Someone may decide they don’t like me because of my disability. History tends to repeat itself when information is biased and access to education is limited.
We must be willing to learn during this process. We must be brave enough to say, no, this is not ok. We must teach our children that tomorrow is never promised, and that we must open our hearts to each other in friendship and love. We must not let ignorance poison our children. They are our legacies. Teach your children that life is beautiful. It’s amazing. It is a gift.
Regardless of politics, religion, or anything else, life is a gift. If we forget that, how can we see ourselves in our children, and not feel shame?
Love sure has no boundaries.
I believe in Unconditional Love. Whether the persons loves back or not, I always reflect Love, afterall this is what I can do best without giving up.
Thank you for writing this! As a queer identified disabled mother with a 5 year old son, I have been struggling with how to talk to him about this. Protecting his innosence while also not letting him live in a bubble. How to let him know about hate without teaching hate. How to talk about tragic death without him then living in fear. LOVE is what we need to be teaching, demonstrating, etc., but how to make such young children aware of hate it so difficult!