First of all, I would like to say that this is in no way a religious post. I am all about attitude- and character- improvement. I am not here to judge anyone, though I do spend a whole lot of time judging myself.
Being disabled doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I compare myself to other moms, both disabled and nondisabled alike. I have that issue. It is probable that I will try to attain the #Supermom status of June Cleaver while feeling more like Peggy Bundy.
My son is a wonderful person who understands that mommy needs coffee more than she needs air. I am thankful for that. He is struggling in school right now, but he sees my sense of determination to help him. I am thankful. He knows that I am Mommy, and no matter the difficulties we may face as a nation (or as a family), I am here. We are thankful for that.
The truth is that recent events in our country have set my anxiety into a tailspin. Yes, I have anxiety. Sometimes I feel as though I’m living under a microscope. I have to justify and explain “reasonable accommodations” as a disabled parent. I have to explain that I understand when teachers and/or doctors are attempting to snowball me. I am thankful for my voice and that I haven’t quite lost my temper… Yet.
I am thankful for the Disabled Parenting Project (DPP) because it has shown me that I am not alone. Parenting is a scary process and having people who understand my perspective is a truly amazing experience. I promise that if I come up with any lifehacks, I will share them because “it takes a village to raise a child.” I am thankful to have DPP as a part of our village. You all temper my June Cleaver goals and help me accept my inner Peggy Bundy. I am thankful.
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