MASS is a state-wide, self-advocacy organization run for and by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our board, our presenters, and many of our staff members are all individuals with disabilities.
About MASS
We are self-advocates in Massachusetts working together to empower ourselves through education so we can make choices to improve and enrich our lives.” Nothing About Us Without Us!”
MASS is a state-wide, self-advocacy organization run for and by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our board, our presenters, and many of our staff members are all individuals with disabilities.
Our Locations:
MASS is a state-wide organization with 3 offices throughout Massachusetts. MASS has locations in:
Boston/Metro: Regional Coordinator: Rachel Hayward
North East: Regional Coordinator: Bridget Crowley
Central: Regional Coordinator: Sue Moriarity
A Short History: Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS) And Changing the Name of DMR
Since its early beginnings as the Steering Committee for a future state-wide self-advocacy organization in 1996 to becoming Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS), self-advocates had Changing the Name of the Department of Mental Retardation as their top issue. It was always about respect and dignity and not being stigmatized.
The primary goals of the movement were to be heard, taken seriously and what the name should be. MASS worked to increase membership, build local self-advocacy groups and create coalitions to effect the Change. Members educated their legislators on the negative connotation of “department of mental retardation” and that it should be changed.
Finally in 2007, Massachusetts Representative Michael Costello, on behalf of self-advocates, filed the first bill to Change the Name and we were on our way. It was agreed that the name should be about service not disability, thus the name Department of Developmental Services.
Historically, names or labels reflect the societal perception and value of individuals. More than a hundred and fifty years ago, the Fernald Developmental Center was founded for “idiots and imbeciles”. In the 20th Century, a parent lead organization, Association for Retarded Children (ARC) was established; its title suggesting the level of expectations at that time.
Today, organizations from the United Nations to the President’s Commission are changing the terminology to discontinuing the use of negative labels. More than eighty percent of the states and territories have replaced “mental retardation” with different term in describing its state agency serving individuals with intellectual disabilities. And, in Massachusetts, on June 30, 2009, DMR will officially become the Department of Developmental Services.
Belief and Mission Statements:
Our Mission is to empower self-advocates through education so we make choices that improve and enrich our lives.
What we believe:
Everyone has the same rights.
Rights and responsibilities go together.
Everyone should be treated equally.
People should have the same opportunities to make their own decisions and choices.
People should have the support they need.
Everyone is important.
We speak out for ourselves and each other.
We stand by each other and make things better in our lives.
Any questions please send Keith an email at
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