We have a strict rule in our house…Sunday nights, from 9-10pm, both kids must be in bed. There is no talking. No cell-phones and absolutely no weekend sex. Ain’t nobody got time for that when they could be watching Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon take on a herd of walkers! The post-apocalyptic world of zombies versus […]
Trunk-or-Treat as an Accessible Option for Families with Disabilities
Our family loves Halloween-the decorations, the spooky factor, the costumes, and for the kids-the candy! The ultimate culmination of Halloween is trick or treating. My husband and I are both wheelchair users and we don’t live in a neighborhood with sidewalks. Even if we did though, most porches would make it impossible for us to […]
Brutal Honesty
Parenthood is an amazing process. That’s right, I said it. It’s a process. It is the continuation of building a relationship with a miniature copy of you. You’re going to look in your child’s eyes and see a twinkle in his or her eye that reminds you of yourself, Sometimes, you will smile when you […]
The Truth About the Short Bus
Now that I have a little boy getting ready to start kindergarten, I’ve already been thinking about the school bus. He’s fascinated by large vehicles and wants nothing more than to ride the school bus to kindergarten. He loves “The Wheels on the Bus” song and book. I’m pretty sure the day will quickly come […]
A Tale of Toilets: Happy Unbirthday to You!
The other night my husband and I took my 98-year-old grandmother out to dinner with our two young children. My son, age 4, seems to always need to use the restroom. Seriously – his record is 5 pitstops in one meal! Anyway, this was a small Mexican restaurant with a single use bathroom. We were […]
Self-Preservation and Saying “No” as a Parent
Saying “no,” is something I have learned is essential to my self-preservation. As much as I don’t like it, I’ve found that saying no can actually make me a better parent and spouse. I recently had to turn down speaking at a large conference in my field, something I’d actively lobbied for, pursued, and then […]
It’s Okay To Think About Surrendering
I know this is a taboo subject when it comes to parenting, or any issue in the disabled world. We are supposed to be inspiring to others, overcoming “challenging feats” and all that jazz. We are supposed to smile and be grateful to be alive, no matter our circumstances. It’s hard for me to admit […]
Staring: Different as a Parent?
I’ve dealt with people staring at me my entire life. Ever since I can remember, people would stare, surprised that I don’t have any legs and only have one arm. I’ve always just ignored it, or tried to ward off pesky starers by staring back, or saying something “clever.” Adults and children both stare. Most […]
When My Toddler Daughter Wasn’t Invited To A Party Because Of Me
It had taken some courage to sign our daughter up for a toddler gymnastics class in our community. The class required parent participation and with the bouncy floor and various obstacles, we knew it wouldn’t be easy. My husband and I had seen the room, considered where and how we could move about in our […]