I really, REALLY want to be! I want to be able to do everything at once, and though I know it isn’t quite logical, I’m disappointed whenever I realize my aspirations to be a supermom are impossible. I have even cried tears of frustration because of it.
I love pop culture! I love movies! I will watch the munchkin’s movies over and over again because these little things bring him comfort. I do not have a jet pack; I have a power chair with a mind of its own. An escape into a movie or a book is many times necessary to keep my sanity intact.
My son was very recently diagnosed with ADHD, and while I appreciate good advice, sometimes I want to yell out that I feel very alone as a parent. It is very difficult to watch your child struggle to focus and learn. I try not to lose patience with him because he can’t help that his brain was wired a little differently, and that a lot of times, the standard educational system is not geared toward customization and/or modification. Teachers are limited in the resources they are allotted, and so, I have to work twice as hard to make sure his needs are met.
That being said, I am thankful I grew up with a disability because I have learned to read between the lines, and can see through the subterfuge that can happen as we make our way through this process. I am aware that my acceptance (gratitude) of my disability may strike some as odd, but the reality is this: None of us are superheroes. We are are just trying to make the best of the life we’re given. Disabled or not, life can be hard; parenting is even harder. It’s best to take life one day at a time.
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