I know this is a taboo subject when it comes to parenting, or any issue in the disabled world. We are supposed to be inspiring to others, overcoming “challenging feats” and all that jazz. We are supposed to smile and be grateful to be alive, no matter our circumstances.
It’s hard for me to admit that this is not always the case. I am not always perky, patient, or the most forgiving person mostly when it comes to myself. To say that my disability and the limitations it brings is not a factor, would be dishonest. The struggle is very real, but so are the rewards.
You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It is fine to get frustrated and to be human. Humanity in all its forms is a beautiful thing. Life isn’t always easy; we know that more than most. You are not alone if there are days when you can’t even think about getting in your wheelchair to fix a bottle. Asking for help does not make you less of a parent.
I want to tell you that being a little afraid of the next challenge is completely okay. Coping is different for everyone. The only thing you can do is ask for help when needed. Parenting with a disability can frightening, but the victories can be amazing!
So what if you’re not Martha Stewart on wheels? You are you, and your child(ren) love you in spite of your inability to make curtain rods out of your old tires (pun intended). All you can do is be your best. There are days when your body (and mind) will betray you, but remember, you are not alone. Help is always near.
This is great! I am glad that you’re doing this; motivating other that are in similar situations. Love you!
Love you, too!