About Michigan Assitive Technology Program
We can help find resources for Assistive Technology through our partners and the AT Directory.
Looking for device or have a used item to sell or give away? Try the ATXchange.org
Need funding? In addition to resources in the directory, you may want to check out our Funding Strategy and the Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund (opens a new window).
Would you like to have a hands-on demonstration of devices? Look for a demonstration near you.
Would you like to get our email newsletter - Assistive Technology Connections? Let us know!
Want to learn more about Assistive Technology? Check for upcoming training sessions through our webinars or watch an archived webinar.
Are you interested in more assistive technology and web accessibility news? Follow the program on Twitter! And check out our AT Blog for more!
We welcome your suggestions. To contact us, you can email us via the contact us form or call us at (800)760-4600 or (517)333-2477 ext 328.
Michigan Disability Rights Coalition
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Short Business Description
MDRC is a disability justice movement working to transform communities. MDRC is also the home of the Michigan Assistive Technology Program.
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