Six months after being declared legally blind, the universe threw me the mother of all curve balls when I discovered I was pregnant. Adapting to my newly acquired disability while simultaneously preparing to become a mom was extremely overwhelming. I found myself in desperate need of emotional support. There was a time when I made a concerted effort to schedule in time with friends, family and co-workers. I tried calling periodically, typically offering an in-house playdate or meal option. Usually, my well-meaning hospitality was rejected.
As more and more people from my previously non-disabled, pre-baby life began to distance themselves from me, my social circle grew increasingly smaller. I remember thinking, “What’s wrong with me? Is it the blindness? Is it the baby? Why isn’t anyone making time to be a part of my life?” I completely understand that everyone has their own responsibilities. But how could these people reciprocate the term “friend” towards me when they wouldn’t even return my phone calls? In the midst of extraordinary health related circumstances, my isolation was compounded by a deep seeded sense of loss over these relationships.
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© Holly Bonner and Blindmotherhood 2016.
[…] date, I have written over 60 articles for a variety of sites including: Scary Mommy, Wonder Baby, The Disabled Parenting Project, In The Powder Room, and Her View from Home. I have been invited to do podcasts with people from […]