About Erin Andrews
Dr. Erin Andrews serves as a parent advisor and co-researcher for the DPP. She is a board certified rehabilitation psychologist and her areas of interest are disability as diversity, disability culture and identity development, social justice in sexuality, reproduction, and parenting, and disability in post-secondary education. Erin has published and presented nationally on a wide range of disability topics and is the author of Disability as Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence, published in 2019 by Oxford University Press. Erin is married with two grown stepchildren and two school-aged children; they live near Austin, Texas.
Hello Dr. Andrews
I hope all is well. Perhaps you remember me,
My name is India Christian. I am beginning my dissertation within the School of Community Engagement. I am required to complete the Committee Intent to Serve form. I would love for you to serve on my committee.
My theoretical lens is Critical Disability. I plan to use photo-elicitation and narrative inquiry to engage working-age adults with long-term physical disabilities. My research will address two questions: 1. How do working-age adults with long-term physical disabilities reveal stories about how access to public community spaces has shaped their lived experiences and 2. How do working-age adults with long-term physical disabilities reveal stories to describe how access to public community spaces have been shaped by public policy.
I know that this is very short notice. But our committee selection and form is due TODAY. Please let me know if you would be willing to assist.