I have been reminded over this past week, while my family and I were at Mercer lake in Florence Oregon, how the four fundamentals in life are often taken for granted: 1) family, 2) friendship, 3) fun, and 4) fellowship.
When things are still and quiet, and we are removed from our everyday busy lives, we begin to reflect. One of the things I most noticed this year at the lake, was the sound of my kids’ laughter. Not just the everyday laughter, but the differences in their laughter. Whether they were fishing, feeling the joy and pure pride as they got their first rainbow trout, or swimming with friends, or playing in the sand. A time for reflection is truly, what I gleaned from this year’s summer vacation.
I have shared with you in the past, what it felt like to hear my kids smile, this year the one thing that I noticed the most, was what it sounded like and felt like to absorb their laughter. This week we made new friends, rekindled old friendships, and nurtured and embraced the relationships we have within our own families!
Time at the lake, is sometimes hard for me. I worry how close my kids are getting to the water’s edge and how deep the water is where they are swimming. I worry if they’re too close to the edge of the dock while they are fishing, etc.
This year I learned that the new friends that both my children had made as well as myself were like an extended family. It wasn’t long before another mother or a grandma that was also on the beach was saying to me, “don’t worry, I’m watching them for you.” I felt a great rush of relief, wash over me as I don’t want to hinder my kids’ growth and development, especially the joy they experience at the lake. However, a hands-on approach is how I often parent my children.
Who wants a helicopter mommy at the lake?! Sometimes being a parent and even a blind parent can require a close and intimate relationship with your children. The fine line we walk upon is one born out of a real need to keep them safe, happy, and growing in a positive direction, all while being very careful not to interrupt their relationships with others as we feel secure in our parenting.
This year, I was extremely grateful for new friends, old friends, and good times at the lake.
Im legally blind 44 yr old mother of 2 kids 12 and 17. I collect dissibility which is only $800 I dont have a career and really dont know how to make an income due to lack of transportation and sight difficulties. Do you have any advice? or help to guide me? Im divorced so the world is on my shoulders . Thank you so much