This year the ADA, which was designed to give equal access to the disabled, turns 30. Yet still, we live in a segregated society. As a person with a disability, where I live is not decided by my choice as an American but instead by the state and federal government when they decide which communities […]
The Gifts of My Disability
It’s the holiday season, bringing with it, its beautiful music, glittering trees and wonderfully wrapped presents. For me at least though, there are unseen gifts: Presents I have received that cannot be seen. With a disability, especially an undiagnosed disability, there are a myriad of challenges that come with it. However, what many people don’t understand […]
Back to School When School is Done
This is it, the first time in 27 years for us. A year with no back-to-school rushes, no watching for sales, no picking out school clothes or visiting several stores to find the perfect backpack. There will be no lunches to pack and no waiting for vans to arrive. My youngest graduated in May, so […]
The ADA: How Far We Have Come, Yet How Far We Still Have to Go
The ADA. Here is another view. A view you rarely hear. A view from the other side of disabled parenting. For you see those children with disabilities, they grow up and you are faced with their disability and yours in a different light. Only these days I feel do you truly see the effect of the […]
No One is an Island
“No man is an island unto themselves entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main” -John Donne Never was the above statement truer than when it is applied to a family with disabilities. I am a disabled parent with a genetic condition which has also been passed […]